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Why You Should Meditate on Psalm 27

Psalm 27 is one of the Bible scriptures that literally saved me from the attacks of my enemies. I prayed it and decreed and declared it over and over again. This scripture was written by the Psalmist David when he was running from his enemy King Saul. King Saul was trying to kill David--the once Shepherd boy whom GOD anointed to become King. David was a threat to King Saul's position, which is why King Saul and his army sought to kill him.

Upon examination of this Psalm, you can see that David was confident that his GOD would save him. You may be asking why was he so confident that GOD would save him. Let me tell you: David writes, "my GOD." He knows that he belongs to GOD. Is there anyone or anything greater or bigger than GOD? NO!

David writes: I remain confident in this: "I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." GOD gives us his protection when we stay in the F.L.O.W. of the Holy Spirit--Faith, Love, Obedience, and Worship. Even if you fell off your F.L.O.W game, get back in the game.

Here I am purposely engaged in living an inspired life!


Rachel Mason

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