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Level Up

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

As human beings, we envision who we want to be at an early age. I think we all strive to become something better or do something better. We want to level up!

I can’t tell you how many times I have dreamt about my dream job. The funny thing is I have so many dream jobs. I wanted to be a neurosurgeon in my youth. I figured I could use my money from the modeling career that I never had to fund my medical school education. The first time that I saw a real operation on television in a documentary I changed my mind quick, fast, and in a hurry. There was no need for a modeling career, right? LOL.

Next up, I thought I would listen to my mother who always told me that my writing was so good that I should write a book one day. It seemed plausible to me so I set my mind on writing the next great American novel, which is why one of my majors was English/Literature in college. However, after I graduated, I decided to either become a psychologist or a lawyer. The only reason I considered being a lawyer was because my father constantly told me that I had a way with words, and that I can win an argument against anybody. Well, long story short, I graduated from law school. I have my Juris Doctorate degree. The only problem is I never wanted to practice law unless it was centered around helping abuse survivors. Then my career was at a standstill due to a serious illness. I did help abused women and children though but I became really sick.

Sitting in Church, I heard my Pastor say that GOD said work with your hands so now I am writing and painting. Now I feel I'm leveling up by doing what GOD commanded me to do by working with my hands.

I used to beat myself up because I thought I wasn't leveling up to who I was supposed to be. I know now that life is a long arduous journey. I know that I am always growing and evolving. I look up knowing that I am walking on my journey with GOD holding my hand. He is gently nudging me and breaking me so I get back on the path that He set forth before me.

I am the apple of my Father's eye! As I make it a point to ascend hire, leaving my troubled past behind me, I have to check myself continually. I want to be an inspiration to the broken, for I have been broken even recently. I want to live an inspired life. I know that I am on my way even though my road is bumpy.

Here I am purposely engaging in inspired living!


Rachel Mason

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